




We are having a "chocolate cakes and cookies contest" at Tartessos High School next Friday to say good-bye to the first term and hello to Christmas Holidays!!

You should bring your cakes to high school on the morning of Friday 23rd of December and we will have a nice tasting row, probably accompanied by a cup of tea. As you have already finished all your exams, you will have time to cook a little bit at home and show your mates that you are a great cook and have hidden talents. Of course, there will be a prize for the best and, even if you do not win, we will have a great time!!!

In order to help you a little,  I am going to leave you a link to a chip cookies' recipe and another to a brownie's recipe.

If you want to, you can tells us what you are going to cook so that we can wait expectantly to see how you did it. LEAVE A COMMENT!!


  1. Ana me encanta tu blog,Saludos .)
    Felicidades por tu trabajo, esto requiere mucho tiempo y esfuerzo espero que los alumnos se den cuenta de ello y lo sepan aprovechar,no todos los profes se implican tanto.


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