

Oxford or Cambridge?

We all know that these are the two most famous universities in England, very near one to the other and very beautiful both of them. Not only Oxford, but also Cambridge are not more than an hour and twenty minutes far from London, the capital city of the United Kingdom.

But today I'm not talking about these two wonderful British cities but of the legendary rowing race that takes place each year and that two crews from the universities of Cambridge and Oxford compete in since 1829, it is one of the oldest sports competition in the world. Many famous people have participated in the race, such as the well-known Dr House (Hugh Laurie) or the Winklevoss twins, who were the beginners of the idea of Facebook together with Zuckerberg.

This boat race is held on the river Thames in London every year (except for the first one) and there is a great excitement around it. Oxford has won 76 times and Cambridge 80. Many of my friends have rowed for many years, some of them are Spanish champions of their cattegories and I hope they like this post.

Which crew do you think will win today?
Leave your comments and tell me!!!

Finally, after a disturbed race with a person in the river and a broken blade in the Oxford boat, too much for only 6.8 km!! Cambridge has won the 158th boat race!!!


  1. I think Cambridge will win today.
    Antonio Belmonte

    1. I think Oxford will win this time, but thank you for commenting on the blog. ;))<

  2. I found the blog very interesting. I agree that both Oxford and Cambridge are very interesting places to visit. I know Cambridge has won because I saw the result on TV. I think it would be better to say "there is great excitement" rather than "there is a great excitement". Keep up the good work it´s always interesting to discover your information. XX OO

    1. Thank you for the tip, Gema!!!I'm not a native speaker and I appreciate corrections. And also, thanks for reading me! I hope you enjoy the next posts too. xxoo


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