

World Book Day 2012

On the 23rd April 1616, two of the greatest writers of our world died, within 24 hours. One of them was William Shakespeare and the other was Miguel de Cervantes, who died during the night from the 22nd to the 23rd. As a result, this day has been chosen by the UNESCO to celebrate the World Book Day. Every year they centre the Day on some aspects related to books and this year they focus on copyright and translation because it is the 80th anniversary of the Index Translationum which is the world's bibliography of translation. A person who knows a lot about translation and has a very good blog is my friend Ángel. 

There is a very interesting proposal to celebrate this Book Day in the new social network called Pinterest in which people can post the picture of their favourite book and explain why they like it, they have called it The Wall of Books. If you want to, you can tell us which is your favourite book too. At the present time, mine is The House of the Special Purpose by John Boyne.

What is your favourite book??


  1. That guy, Angelus, has a very good blog, it´s true (je, je, je). Thank you, Ana. My favourite book? I don´t know, I have a lot of them, perhaps "Solaris" de S. Lem or "El aleph" de Borges or Georg Trakl´s poetry or... Kind regards.

    1. Oooops, you are right, Ángel, his name is Angelus, do you want me to change it? When I heard that they had focused on translation this year I thought of him. Regards.

  2. It´s o.k., Ana, you have not to change anything. I´m reading my previous comment and I see two mistakes: twice "de", this is spanish language. Which is the reason you like John Boyne´s book?

    1. They get to my heart, Ángel. I like very much the way he moves emotions deep inside of me.Have you read The House of Special Purpose?

  3. No, I have not read this book, only "The boy in the striped pyjamas". I can not comment it; I was curious to know your opinion.


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