

Ending the course

Present from my class.
This year I have started teaching in a new high school, not that it is new for everybody but it was for me. I was given a tutorship of a 1st ESO course and I was a bit nervous because it was a long time since I wasn't. It has been a long and hard course, many have needed a lot of help and I have done my best.
They are great little people, who will become great adults, each of them is special for one reason or the other and we have learnt a lot together about English and English culture, about adult life and  also about blogging, some of them are followers of this blog, they have learnt to leave their comments... some of them are also bloggers themselves (you can have a look at their blogs if you find them in the members of this blog).

Today, when I came to my class, they were hiding because they had this surprise prepared for me!! You can see in the photo, they offered me a nice, elegant clutch bag  and a poster of a mixture of their photos and a group photo of the class.

I wanted to thank my students, and their families; studying in a public school may be difficult but it gets easier if we work together, the families and the professionals.

Do any of  my students want to leave any comments? Any teachers? Parents? Please do!!!


  1. hola soy sergio gracias por publicar eso y que sepas todos nosotros tambien te recordaremos


    1. Thank you Sergio, you know it is true, we had a great time last year, we worked hard and enjoyed the reward at the end. ;))


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