

Living like a Canadian...

Place du Canada, ph. by Ana García
On Friday morning we were visiting the old part of Montreal, the Notre Dame Basilica (similar to that of Paris, with its two towers) and  the so called Old Harbour which is now a part of the city devoted to free-time and leisure activities. There was an exhibition of Star Wars at their Centre des Sciences, therefore, in front  of it, there was an exhibition panel with the bodies of Padme Amidala and Anakin Skywalker, among others, and a hole in the place of the face so that you could put your head there and be taken photos, so we did; and when I was walking back to the sidewalk, I fell and I sprained my ankle. It hurt really really bad, but I continued walking because when you stop it gets cold and hurts more, so we went to visit the Castle of Ramezay, which was very interesting because it talks about the history of Montreal through the people who have lived in this castle. My ankle hurt so much that we went back  home and called the doctor.

A real Canadian doctor came to see me and my ankle on Saturday morning and told me he thought it was not broken, which I already knew, and put a dressing on my ankle; he also told me I could walk so we decided to take it easy and go for a short walk to Dorchester Square where we had great fun feeding the squirrels that know how to actually open and eat sunflower seeds and watching the photo session of a wedding couple and all of their family, especially picturesque because she was oriental and he was not and the mixture of the two families made it quite interesting. 

There are a lot of different cultures and people with different traditions and customs here in Montreal, I have already told you about French and English, but there is also a Chinatown, which we have visited today (they have fantastic buns!!), a Little Italy, and people from the rest of the world as well. 

To end up with, we visited the McGill University, which is the oldest university in Canada, it has a great campus, not very big, but very nice and cosy, and also houses the Redpath Museum, one of the oldest museums in Canada, which is a Natural Science Museum. We arrived home early because we are heading to Ottawa, capital city of Ontario and Canada, tomorrow morning. I'll tell you about it when I come back!!!

If you have any questions, leave your comments!!!


  1. Ana, cómo estás? Vaya mala "pata". :S

    1. Ya estoy mucho mejor!!! Un sustillo y ya está, ya puedo andar mucho mejor. Besos


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