

Last days in Montreal.

We are leaving  in a few days and we have decided to rest a little bit, besides the weather is worse in a sense, it has started raining and also it is cooler. We have been wandering around the city a little, especially what they call the RÉSO (underground city), very useful when it rains but also, I am sure, when it is cold in the winter and it snows.

We decided to go and visit a special Star Wars exhibition called Identities in which they revise the different characters in the famous series, as well as yourself's explaining how identity is built. As you can see, there are many props and costumes from the films. It was very nice but a little expensive (73 Canadian $ for a family of 4). It was held in Montreal's Museum of Science and the rest of the exhibitions were also included in the ticket.

Another of the things that we saw, and I strongly recommend, especially for those who follow Fernando Alonso in his races is to visit the Gilles-Villeneuve F1 Circuit. You have to get to the Park Jean-Drapeau and get the bus to "La Plage" (the beach); it goes on the circuit and gets you to the beach (nothing to do with Andalusian beaches), there you can walk around the circuit, as well as skate or cycle, and see the void boxes where the teams of mechanics usually are. In the photo you can see the Casino of Montreal.

On the last day, we had to clean and wash the clothes, so we stayed at home and made a barbeque. In the afternoon, we rented a pedal boat and sailed along the Lachine Channel which was built to stop the turbulent waters of the river Saint Laurent.

Tomorrow we are taking a train to New York, quite an experience in itself, 11 hours across Canada and a national park in the USA, I will tell you about it!!!


  1. teacher (:
    Your holidays are very well.
    My holidays are relaxing at home but a lot of days I go to the swimming pool with my friends.
    The following day English friends went to Spain with my friends and I told with them.
    One kiss

    Mª José Muñoz, 4ºA

    1. Hello MªJosé!! It sounds good holidays for me too! I hope you enjoy the end of them and keep up with your English!! See you soon ;-)


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