

My first scones

Yesterday, as the long week-end we have enjoyed was coming to its end, I decided to try and cook something that I love since I went to Ireland. What you see in the photo is what they call scones and it is a bun half bread half sponge cake. They usually have it at tea time with jam or marmalade, but we also had it at pubs during lunch, accompanying their fantastic soups.

I followed this recipe I took from the BBC, and I must confess they don't taste like the ones I had in Ireland; even though it was eight years ago I can still remember their flavour. I think the problem is I didn't have self-raising flour so I used baking powder instead and I guess I didn't put enough quantity because the buns didn't raise, so they are a bit stale, too stiff to be eaten nicely : ( Though the flavour is Ok, and they look good, don't they?

Next time, I will try adding more baking powder or try to buy some self-raising flour!!! If they are good, I'll try the cheese scones!!

Have you ever tried scones? Did you like them?
Do you have a better recipe? If you do, please let me know!!!


  1. I would like that you had cooked this food when you were in Benacazón´ institute, Well, it´s fine that you are cooking at last, je, je, je... Tasty regards.

    1. I did cook while I was there too!! Didn't you try my delicious sponge cakes? Best regards!

  2. I liked it!!


  3. Replies
    1. Jajaja! Esos no me salieron muy buenos, cuando me salgan mejor te invito a un cafelito! Besos


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