

Sergio Ramos, olé!!

I want to wish my students and all the people who read the blog a  Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year with  Sergio Ramos' video and I have some good reasons to do so. I know many people are laughing at it because his English is not perfect, but I want to highlight how brave and generous he is.
He wishes the Christmas to all the children of the Real Madrid Fundation school, he says:
"Hi, I hope you all had a good time playing football at the Real Madrid Fundation school. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year"
He does it in a way that all the people can understand him. When we talked about the video in class, some students said that he should not have done it, that someone else should. I told them I did not agree, I think a language is to communicate with people and he achieves that, I always encourage my students to talk even though they do not do it perfectly, that is the only way to get better; as Einstein would say:
"It is not that I am so smart, it is just that I stay with problems longer"
I encourage you to keep trying and you will get better.
Merry Christmas and A happy new year!!!!


  1. No estoy para nada de acuerdo, porque si el lenguaje es comunicarse, entonces me entiendo mejor con un mono que con este señor. No se le entiende nada, y no solamente no le entiendo yo, que soy filóloga inglesa sino que tampoco le entienden mis amigos nativos. Pero es que tampoco le entiende un estudiante a pie.

    Me parece de absoluta vergüenza que un señor que gana la millonada que gana, tenga que leer una frase (no sea capaz de aprendérsela con 30 años que tiene, que vaya ejemplo para los jóvenes) y que además no sepa ni leerla, ya de "hablarla" ni te cuento, medianamente en condiciones.

    Un abrazo.

    1. Muchas gracias por comentar. Esta misma conversación la he mantenido con otra gente que piensa igual que tú. Creo que sí se le entiende, o por lo menos, como profesora, estaré hecha a entender a todo el mundo que hace por hablar en inglés. Comprendo que no le sale bien, pero también entiendo que ni la edad ni el dinero hacen que una persona a la que no se le da bien el inglés (tiene otros dones pero desde luego no éste) consiga superar esa barrera. Creo que es ejemplo para la juventud en otro sentido, pero me sigue pareciendo valiente que sabiendo sus limitaciones lo haya hecho.
      Un abrazo gordo y me alegra saber que estás por aquí.

  2. Oh! You understand him because he is from Camas and you are teaching at this "cani" town. I agree with Emeconeme, not with you (as almost always). Regards from Poland.

    1. Angel, you are right that I may understand him better because he is from Camas; but I can assure you that there is a lot of nice and hardworking people there. I am glad you still do not abandone me while on holidays in Poland, I hope you have a nice time there and vote for me at the Love Englidh Awards by MacMillan Dictionary. As usual, best regards, Ana.

  3. I have just voted you before my travel to Poland.


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