

Negative and interrogative of the simple past

Thanks to the help of this mindmap, we are going to learn the negative and interrogative forms of the verbs in the simple past. At the same time, we are reviewing the same forms of the simple present.

I am very bad at drawing, but I guess my main idea is on the paper, the circled words in light blue are the auxiliaries we need to form the negative and the interrogative, the green squared ones are the subjects and the red triangled are the verbs, which, in no case, is conjugated, that is, it is in the base form (infinitive without "to")
I hope my students like this mindmap because we are going to be working this in class the next days, I am going to encourage them to make one of their own, they will probably be much more beautiful than mine!!!
To know more about mindmaps, we will go to this MindMapping Site.

Some exercises on Learn English on the negative and the interrogative. Anice game to remind the form of the affirmative from a school called Bradley's English School in Japan.

What do you think of it? Don't be too harsh on me...

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