

Xscape in Glasgow

This summer I went to Scotland, as many of you already know. It is a very special city, one of those in which you may think: "I would like to live here". It was a highly industrialized city and now it is changing its path. The town centre is really like a big shopping centre where you may find all of the main shops.

Glasgow has also got one of the oldest cathedrals in Scotland because they changed the religion to protestantism so that it was not burnt down like the rest. It is also special because it has two different levels as the result of the fact that the location was not chosen by an architect, but by the stopping of an oxen charriot carrying the dead body of the saint patron of Glasgow, Saint Mungo.The Town Hall was under construction when we went, so we could not see it, but they say it is amazing.
There is also, from the end of the 19th century, an artistic trend in Glasgow emerging from the Glasgow School of Art whose most prominent artist was Charles Rennie Mackintosh, forerunner of Modernism and Art Nouveau and whose architecture is still in the streets of Glasgow.
Another of the things I wanted to do in Glasgow, was to visit the Xscape centre which our book, Switch 2 , talks about. It is not really in the city of Glasgow, but in a nearby location called Renfrew (in an old power station called Braehead) where you find a huge shopping centre and the leisure centre. You can see some photos of the impressive indoor skiing slope, its bowling alley and the rock climbing site.

Do you have something like this in your own town?
Would you like to have one? Would you like to visit Glasgow or the Xscape centre?

Thanks for sharing!!


  1. I've been there and it's fun!!


    1. Yes, it is! I love travelling with you my dear

  2. Teacher
    Some students in 2º F want to go there in Summer or at the end of the year.

    1. I hope you go there! It has many places to visit and I'm sure you'll have great fun. Thanks for leaving a comment.


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