If life lasted long enough, Charles Dickens would be 200 years old these days. I would like to pay a little homage to this great Victorian author in the second hundred anniversary of his birth.
He was born Charles John Huffan Dickens on the 17th February 1812 in Porstmouth, Hampshire and went to live in London at the age of 10. In the times of the industrial revolution and eldest son to a difficult father who went to prison, he was one of the children who worked hard under hard conditions in one of those new factories that started to develop in Britain at the time. He described these harsh conditions and I think he would be shocked to learn that they continue still two centuries after his death.
A multifaceted married man, throughout his life was actor, parliamentary and newspaper reporter apart from his works as a writer. He wrote in installments some of his most popular novels such as Oliver Twist, he wrote a lot of novels like Christmas Carols, David Copperfield, Hard Times, Little Dorrit, A Tale of Two Cities and Great Expectations in which he depicts the Victorian times with strong realism.
You can also visit where he lived in London
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